
»Scribere necesse est, vivere non est« Vilém Flusser

This is a list of my book-length publications (including editorships, as well as my diploma and my Ph.D. thesis). Add to this the different issues of Flusser Studies that I have been editing from 2005 to 2023, both as an editor (8 issues) and a co-editor (14 issues). I have published books in three different languages: German, English and Portuguese. The main subjects are: Clouds (2009b and 2006) and Winds (2023), Vilém Flusser (2020a, 2019, 2017a/b, 2011, 2010b, 2009a, 2008, 2005, 2004), Multilingualism (2020b) and Translation (2016), as well as Body (2000) and Landscape (2014).

The underlying theme that drives and at the same time unites most of my writing is the notion of metaphor. It is at the center of my publications from the metaphor of the body politic (Körpermetaphern: Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Medizin) to the metaphor of the national political landscape (Politische Landschaften: Zum Verhältnis von Territorium und Identität), the metaphor of translation (Translation as Metaphor), and the metaphors of multilingualism (Metaphors of Multilingualism. Changing Attitudes towards Language Diversity in Literature, Linguistics and Philosophy). Metaphor also plays a fundamental role in my research on the work of Vilém Flusser whose thinking has been described as a form of metaphorical phantasy.

2023: Philosophie des Windes. Versuch über das Unberechenbare, transcript, Bielefeld.

2020a: Vilém Flusser – Hundert Zitate (edited together with Andreas Müller-Pohle), European Photography (Edition Flusser), Berlin.

2020b: Metaphors of Multilingualism. Changing Attitudes towards Language Diversity in Literature, Linguistics and Philosophy, Routledge, New York.

2019: Thinking in Exile. The Nomadic Philosophy of Vilém Flusser / Pensare in esilio. La filosofia nomadica di Vilém Flusser (edited together with Marco Carassai). In Azimuth – Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and  Contemporary Age, VII, nr.13, InSchibboleth, Rome.

2018: Best of Flusser Studies 2005-2017 (edited together with Gustavo Bernardo), Annablume São Paulo.

2017a: Vilém Flusser (1920-1991). Ein Leben in der Bodenlosigkeit. Biographie (written together with Gustavo Bernardo), transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

2017b: O homem sem chão: a biografia de Vilém Flusser (written together with Gustavo Bernardo), Annablume editora, São Paulo.

2016: Translation as Metaphor, Translation Theories Explored, Routledge, New York and London

2014: Politische Landschaften. Zum Verhältnis von Raum und nationaler Identität, transcript, Bielefeld.

2011: Vilém Flusser. An Introduction, (written together with Anke Finger and Gustavo Bernardo), Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis

2010a: Spiegelgeschichten. Zu Hubert Fichtes und Hans Henny Jahnns Thomas Chatterton, Rimbaud Verlag, Aachen.

2010b: Pensar entre linguas. A teoria da tradução de Vilém Flusser, Annablume, São Paulo.

2009a: Vilém Flusser (written together with Anke Finger and Gustavo Bernardo), W. Fink UTB Profile, Paderborn.

2009b: „Wolkenformationen […] aus dem Dunst der Möglichkeiten. Zur nubigenen Einbildungskraft, Flusser Lecture, Walther König, Cologne.

2008: Vilém Flusser. Uma Introdução (written together with Anke Finger and Gustavo Bernardo), Annablume São Paulo.

2006: Die Sprache des Himmels. Eine Geschichte der Wolken, Kadmos, Berlin.

2005: Philosophieren zwischen den Sprachen. Vilém Flussers Werk, Wilhelm Fink, Munich.

2004: Das Spiel mit der Übersetzung. Figuren der Mehrsprachigkeit im Werk Vilém Flussers (ed.), Francke Verlag, Tübingen and Basel.

2003: Intercultural Communication. Self-Consciousness, translation and mutual understanding (edited together with Athanasios Moulakis), Studies in Communication Sciences, Volume 3, Number 2, Lugano.

2000: Körpermetaphern. Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Medizin, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.

1995: Lieber ist mir ein Bursch. Zur Sozialgeschichte der Homosexualität im Spiegel der Literatur, Berlin.

1991: Verbrüderung. J. A. Symonds – E. Carpenter – E. M. Forster. Literarische Porträts, Berlin.

1984: Riten der Randzonen. Hubert Fichtes Untersuchungen zur Tradition des Abartigen (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Zurich), Zürich.

1980: Streams and Canals: The Relation of Body and Text in H. P. Lovecraft’s Writing, (Lizentiat, University of Zürich) Zürich.